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Hey Anand,

Congrats to you and Kosmix for this big achievement .

Im expecting more features in the product ?

I certainly appreciate the move from an rather empty homepage to a mashup of all current top stories ..

But can this be 100% automatic ??

Will you have manual filtering of results to ensure quality ?


Kudos to Kosmix for landing $20M in funding and for trying to change the face of search,

But you should check out NeXplore (www.NeXplore.com), another search engine working mightily to change the face of search.

With approx 4M unique visitors/month, NeXplore is faring far better than Kosmix, Cuil, Mahalo, Searchme, CoolIris, etc.

Don’t take my word for it. Check out NeXplore vs others on Compete.com

Dipankar Sarkar

Congrats on the funding, it is looking very neat. I look forward to exploring and joining you guys @ USS kosmix :D.

Keep up the good stuff.

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