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wow..amazing article

abhishek gattani

WOW...Very inspiring article, makes you feel proud to be an Indian. Also congrats on becoming a part of this start-up.


Amazing article and a very noble initiative. This will truly make difference in the common man's life.

Eric Maugendre

It seems like a tremendous opportunity. The design aspect (no web interface) is a very interesting challenge. I am much sure some people would be interested in a story of how it turns out (I would). Could Kashyap Deorah write that down at some later stage?

Anand Rajaraman

Eric: I agree, the user interaction model is one of the biggest challenges here. I'll follow up with a post in a couple of months once they have completed the design.

Antonio Ognio

Really liked this article for both the insight and the stats. I'm following you on twitter now. BTW I guess at least some of your followers would like to see your pic or an avatar in your twitter account.

I'll try to follow your blog not just for the tech stuff but also the Indian economics stuff since I think there might be many similarities to a country like mine.



Eric: Will log our initial learnings from the test market in a month or two. In the focused group discussions and consumer interviews, we have been pleasantly surprised with the comfort of consumers to interact with a call center agent and an SMS interface for a non-trivial transactional interaction. You may see the Chaupaati company blog at Chaupaati.in from time to time as well.

Jeffrey Klonoski

Chaupaati sounds like it is on an interesting track. When will you be able to update us with your success? I would like to know if consumers are still comfortable using the call centers and SMS support.

Thank you,
Jeffrey Klonoski
Director of New Business Development
Charney Research

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